Practical Mustache's Home

This space is Jeffrey Kessler's home page. There is stuff on baseball and board games. Of special interest is our Starfire campaign.


San Francisco Giants

I've recently moved back to Los Angeles but I'm still a Giants fan.

San Francisco Giants Web Page



Here are some games that I have played recently and what I think of them.


The Starfire system is no longer owned by Task Force Games. The Starfire Design Studio has purchased Starfire and is publishing new rules. They released Galactic Starfire which is the 4th edtion. Look at The SDS Starfire Home Page for more information.

I've started a campaign with the Galactic Starfire rules. The campaign started in July 2001 with 4 player empires. I'm not looking for new players right now, but perhaps later.

You can check out The Corbynova Site for an online tool to run GSF games. An Elite rule set is in the works.

You can find my Yahoo Group at LA GSF Starfire

People have been asking about my VASSAL module. You can download it here.

Join the Internet Starfire Mailing list at

Send the subject subscribe starfire.

The list is very active on strategy for tactical and campaign games.

I have the following maps that cover much of the Terran Federation. These used to be one the Starfire Design Studio ftp site, but I didn't see them there the last time I looked. So I put them here for people to look at and download. Terran Federation Map


If you are interested in the Avalon Hill Board game Diplomacy and you haven't heard about the Internet Judges, check out
This page is still in development and new things will be added without warning.

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